Call for Papers: Agenda Setting Panels at the 2013 ECPR Conference

woensdag 2 januari 2013, 12:59

The 7th ECPR General Conference will be held at Sciences Po Bordeaux between 4th and 7th September 2013. Several panels organised by MI-CDH researchers, associates, and colleagues are featured in the section Agenda Setting in a Comparative Perspective.

Petya Alexandrova and Marcello Carammia co-organise a panel on Agenda Setting and the European Union. Arco Timmermans will chair the session on Coalition Governance and the Policy Agendas of Political Parties. Sebastiaan Princen organises the panel Agenda Setting and Policy Change.

A short description of the three panels is available on the website of the MI Campus The Hague.

Paper proposals can be submitted to the respective panel via the My ECPR webpage

The deadline is 1st February 2013.